Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Gettin' Grubby? Get An Apron...

Limited edition North Clare Netball Club BBQ aprons are on sale for only $25 should you need that extra special present for someone who has everything. The mystery model wearing the apron comes separately, as does the 2-burner BBQ.

To purchase an apron, contact Diesy O'Driscoll on 0418 892 956 today!

The North Clare Netball Club 2007 Committee

Sonya Baum
P.O. Box 226, Farrell Flat, S.A. 5416

Vice President
Di O'Driscoll
P.O. Box 121, Kybunga S.A. 5453

Stephanie Coles

Jo Goodwin

Club Reporter
Jodie Mullighan

Communications (incl. blogsite)
Katrina Foxe

Association Delegate
Di O'Driscoll

Junior Delegate
Andrea Keane

Masters Co-Ordinator
Robyn King

Umpires Co-Ordinator
Josie Paine

Umpire for Country Champs
Position Vacant - required to attend & umpire at the Country Championships at ETSA Park, Adelaide June long weekend 2007

Monday, October 09, 2006

The 2006 Netty Trip to Port Lincoln

On October 7-8 2006, a bunch of North Clare Netball club players took an overnight trip to Port Lincoln...

Why a "blog"?

You're probably wondering why North Clare Netball Club has a 'blog'. Essentially, a 'blog' is a web-log that kind of acts like a diary. keeps a record of all the stuff that is going on in our club. A website can often just stay stagnant but we want to keep this current and up-to-date, keeping the people in our club informed about what is going on, when, why and how.

If you have any ideas, feedback or general comments, feel free to share them by clicking on the little pen icon below. We'd love to hear from you.

North Clare Netball Club